
eastworld.io is ..

... a new type of M.M.O.P.R.P.G.  ((Massively Multiplayer Online Perspectival Role Playing Game))

"unvirtual" hardware.  Webcam telepresence in PoV agents to relate in volumes of cartesian space and time

((pod volumes declared in correlate Blockerfile Manifest(s) for given node))

eastworld.io  hosts...

a constantly evolving universe

                                   in particulate embodiment.


                            An infinite game

                                                whos only rule

                                                           is to bend rules

                                                  with relational symbolic signal.

A stomping grounds

at the interface of digital notion 

and material reality.

substratum for learning at the somatic junction

in eternal rememberance

and reverence

of all of our relations.